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Tam Glad - the why.

Tam Junction has a deep history in the SF bay area. Most people drive though our town without too much thought. But, anywhere you look, you’ll find fuel - for your car, your body & your soul.


They say the Golden Gate connects San Francisco to Marin. I’m here to say there lives another gate. This gate sits at the intersection of wishes and dreams of sunny days, adventures, barreling surf, sweeping vistas, and rugged landscapes. I’m talking about a place called Asssssssspen. Just kidding, it’s Tam Junction. It has a history which I won’t deep dive into here. My focus is today. Tam Junction has 3 traffic lights and remains a thoroughfare for locals and visitors alike with a two lane road jamming on the earliest sign of a sunny day. On either side of the street you will find tons to explore (or at least fuel up). 

So what happens next after you fuel up? Well… Just observe for 10 minutes on any day of the week and you’ll notice the palpable feeling of “stoke” in the air. Tam Junction is the beginning of an adrenaline filled day. If you’ve never seen the stoke then here’s a breakdown. The road cyclists, mountain bikers, trail runners, surfers, rock climbers, fisherman, kayak and SUPs begin their day between those 3 stop lights. High fives, smiles, and joy oozing from their faces.  

Look, you’ve probably been everywhere in the world and have seen everything. Or you’ve lived through that little device which provides you a window to someone else’s reality. In a weird and amazingly special way, Tam Junction is a real place.

And to close out when your day is done, you’ll pass right back through Tam Junction and probably stop again, because in the end, it’s that freakin cool.

I’m TAM GLAD to be here.”

- Adam Cohen (Founder, TamGlad)